How did you get started with your craft/art?
I taught High School art for most of my life and retired after teaching 38 years. I reincarnated (rewired) a small kiln I hadn't used for thirty years and decided to use the training in fused glass that I was given at an Art Teacher's inservice class one summer.
Exuberant Fused Glass Dichroic Pendant
What prompted you to set up a home-based business?
I love art, all phases and all medium. Fused glass is a fun process (I love to open the kiln after eight hours and see what has happened...) Sharing my work with strangers is a joy!
What part of your craft is your favorite? (Designing, creating the actual piece, working with custom orders, etc)
I love all of it. Some pieces I really like and it's satisfying when someone else thinks so too.

How have you changed since starting your business? How has this impacted your craft?
I'm still learning and exploring different things. I think my work has improved as a result...I know my photography has! lol
What is the most challenging aspect of running your business?
Trying to connect with people who are looking for the type of work I do.
How did you come up with your shop name?
Moot point. I wish I would've taken more time for something really catchy, but Sie La Vie.
Royal Blue Purse Hanger
Where do you see yourself in five years? Where do you see your business?
Busy enough to break even would be a good thing! Lol. I buy sterling chains and bails and quality material (dichroic glass is approx. $43.00 an ounce)...more sales would be a good thing!
How do you keep a balance between home and business responsibilities?
I could not have done it as a younger, fully employed person I don't think.
I remember how harried I was and how precious every minute seemed to be when I was working full time, with two children, a husband and a house to take care of.
Soldered Photo Framed Necklace
What is the funniest/craziest/most touching thing that has happened while having a business?
The most touching thing was a woman that said she was looking for a necklace to give her friend on the anniversary of the friend's daughter's death. She related that she and her husband had invited the
friend, husband and young son, out to dinner shortly after the daughter's death, in an effort to get them out of the house where they were grieving.As they were all leaving the restaurant, the hostess gave the 5 year old boy a balloon. They were walking across the lot to their car, when the boy called out "wait!" They turned to look as the boy released his balloon and announced "this is for Becky to play with up in Heaven!" The pendant I had made showed a joyful little girl, running with a balloon! It could not have been more perfect for her gift.
Winter Dichroic Necklace
If you could give one piece of advice to others who are just getting started with their businesses, what would it be?
Don't give up! Stay the course.
Can you give us some links to be able to follow you? (Etsy, Artfire, Twitter, Facebook, etc)
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